- Station Control Modules
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- #335 2 Port RF Watt Meter Module (WM-1)
#335 2 Port RF Watt Meter Module (WM-1)
The WM-1 2 port RF watt meter control module supports 1 or 2 active RF power monitoring sensors. Forward and reflected power is measured and reported to the dashboard. Multiple modes supported include: periodic measurements, streaming data with < 1 second refresh rate, remote repeater keying and monitoring.
The WM-1 requires at least one RF sensor (directional coupler) supplied by the company WaveNode. Modules supported include: HF-1, LP-1, and UHF-1. You must purchase the RF sensor module directly from WaveNode at https://wavenodedevelop.com
The control module supports two RF modules. Any combination of HF and VHF/UHF modules can be used at the same time.
The Station Controller will poll the watt meter modules and update the dashboard. You can also trigger a power measurement any time from the dashboard.
For repeater deployments, the watt meter module also support external PTT indicate input and external PTT output to determine if the transmitter is in active transmit mode when power is measured and the ability to key the transmitter for testing when there is no traffic on the repeater.